Why Tree Clearing is Necessary for Construction

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At S&E Custom Grading & Concrete, we have extensive experience in construction site preparation. Our team knows how to clear the land of trees and shrubbery, remove boulders and other obstacles, and grade the land to ensure water flows away from structures. In our experience, some people struggle with the necessity of tree clearing—removing mature trees can seem wasteful, as it means removing valuable shade and natural foliage. In this article, we will go over a few reasons why tree clearing is necessary.

Why Tree Clearing is Necessary for Construction

  • Space – While it is sometimes possible to preserve mature trees on a plot of land and build the structure around them, in most cases, at least a few trees will need to be removed in order to make space for the structures. Preserving every tree on a property is simply not practical.
  • Safety – Another reason why tree clearing is a necessary part of construction prep has to do with safety. Trees do not always grow strong, stable, and healthy. Weak, unstable, or sick trees pose a safety hazard to the planned structures and the people who will be living and working there. For example, if a tree has a weak growth pattern, it is likely to break or fall during severe weather, putting your finished structures at risk. For this reason, we encourage you to have weak trees removed from your property.
  • Structural Integrity – Finally, tree removal is often necessary even for healthy trees if they will be too close to the finished structure or to its utility lines. Tree roots can damage the foundation of your building as well as buried pipes and wires, and tree branches can pose a threat to aerial cables as well as the roof of the structure.